
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

So behind!

Wow! I can't believe it has been over a month since I last posted! Sorry there aren't any I've said a million times... We are going to get better at taking pictures! So lets start from the beginning...Christmas! This was our very first Christmas as a married couple! For Christmas Eve we went up to Bradens families cabin for dinner and opening presents.  Bradens parents gave everone sweats (I wear mine pretty much all day everyday).  We also got Electronic Monopoly, and the family got the new XBox Kinect (So FUN)!  Christmas morning Braden and I got up really early to make it to my parents for breakfast and opening more presents.  I was so surprised and excited when we opened our presents, my parents gave us the Willow Tree nativity set! I have always loved to put the nativity set up at my parents house and have hinted A LOT that I wanted the same set that my mom has.  I love it!

The week before New Years Eve we spent a lot of time up at the cabin.  Bradens little "cousins" Amy, Ashley, and Kaylee came up to visit for the week.  We had a really good time with the girls!  We spent a lot of time playing Dance Central on the Kinect.  We always love when the girls come to visit!  We just love them!  For New Years Eve our friends Rodger and Courtney came up to the cabin. we played games and went sledding behind the fourwheelers   Later that night Wade and Sharidan also showed up! The next day we went tubing in Midway and had a blast!

January has been... interesting. Braden started his training to get his own American Family Insurance Agency.  He is now a full blown agent, and will get his own office within the next year or two.  All this is great news, unfortunately however, Bradens training is in Phoenix.  He leaves every monday and comes home every Friday.  I did get to go with him one week and we had so much fun!  It was nice to have weather in the 70's instead of the 30's.  We went out to eat a lot, went shopping (amazing shopping in Phoenix), and one night we even had one of Bradens friends take us to the clubs to experience the night life of Phoenix.  Of course we were the only ones not drinking, but it was fun to people watch (one of my favorite past times)!  Finally, Braden is almost done.  He is gone this week and then only two day next week and then he won't have to be gone again until March! :-)

This past weekend was really fun!  Friday night I got to go out with two of my best friends Kelsi and Mari.  Mari is getting married in a couple weeks, and Kelsi just got engaged and is getting married in May!  We had a lot of fun at dinner and chatting about all the fun things they are planning!  The next night Braden and I got to babysit Wade and Sharidan's kids while they went to dinner.  We love watching Griffin, Tahj, and Briggs!  Briggs is such a crack up.. during the few hours we watched him he ran into a mirror and smacked into Braden's leg while he was playing the Kinect, Briggs flew half way across the room!  Sunday night was my night alone with Braden!  So for dinner I set up our little coffee table with chinese plates and chopsticks and a griddle and Braden and I had our very own Tepanyaki style dinner.  We had chicken, steak, onions, zuccini, and mushrooms and we cooked it all as we went!  It was so much fun!

That's all for now!